Army Navy Sales Shipping Policy

Our Preferred Shippers

We have favorable rates with UPS through our shipping account. We can use your UPS shipping account if preferred. If FedEx is requested, a documentation fee may be applied. If you request a shipment through the USPS, you agree to assume all responsibility for the shipment due to the inefficiency and low insurance rates. We have great relationships with freight brokers and can provide freight quotes at your request.

Using Your Own Shipper

We can ship via UPS using your shipper number. We can ship via FedEx using your shipper number, but a documentation fee may be applied. If you are arranging your own freight shipping, you MUST contact our shippnig department before doing so. If you arrange for your own truck pickup, you and your carrier will assume responsibility for all claims after we have loaded the truck.  We will not release anything without all of our requested paperwork filled out. Please contact us to confirm what is needed.

International Orders

We can ship orders internationally. Buyer is responsible for knowing and abiding by any laws regarding importation of goods into your home country. Goods that are returned due to customs will be refunded less shipping and handling costs, as well as a 15% restocking fee. We are not responsible for items which are held, seized, destroyed or damaged by customs. International customers who ship using their own carriers may be charged a documentation fee. If specific international shipping pallets are required, you must notify us when setting up the shipment, and you will be charged an additional fee.  If you are arranging your own shipping, you MUST contact our shippnig department before doing so.

Drop Shipping

Drop shipments will be sent via UPS and will incur a $7.50 drop-ship fee in addition to standard shipping charges. Services such as custom documentation, applying barcodes or other special requests will be charged additional fees. Please contact us to confirm costs for additional requests before placing orders.

Processing Times

We expect processing times to be 1-3 business days. This is only an estimate and times may be longer or shorter due to weather, holidays, size of the order, or other factors ourside our control. If you are in a rush or have other shipping requirements, please contact us when placing the order so we can do our best to accomodate you.


Established customers with appproved terms will be shipped and invoiced upon completion of order.

Customers can request COD, though be advised that UPS charges addtional fees for this service. Please make CODs payable to "Schreck Wholesale Inc.". Checks that are returned as NSF will be charged an additional $30 fee.

All others must pay for the invoice total before shipping.  We will contact you with the invoice total including shipping charges when the order is ready to ship. We accept all major credit cards, debit cards, and wire transfers for domestic orders under $7500. For orders over $7500, a 2.5% charge will be added to credit or debit payments.  All PayPal payments will be charged a 2.5% fee. Wire transfers of any amount will require a $35 added fee.

INTERNATIONAL ORDERS: For ALL international orders we only accept wire transfers or PayPal, with the same fees as above.